
Turning Point Wellness Centre Nutrition

Many alcoholics and addicts of all sorts have spent years depleting their bodies of essential nutrients.

Most people don’t realize how important these basic vitamins and minerals are for our health and how depletion can cause mental health issues such as other addictions, depression and anxiety. Our goal is to provide you with an integrative nutrition program that empowers you to take control of your nutritional goals. We arm you with real nutritional tools which you can rely on your whole life.

A nutritional regimen can restore neurological health, which facilitates addiction recovery. It is all about connecting what you put in your body with how it makes you feel. We want to help you feel physically better, using whole foods that replenish vital nutrients so you can get back to your life living your full potential.

Our nutrition program at Turning Point Wellness Centre uses a unique blend of the latest research on addiction and evidence-based holistic nutrition protocols. Our comprehensive, integrative and systemic program empowers our clients to take control of their nutritional choices by teaching how intricately the right choices are tied to optimum brain and body health, and recovery. Our meal program is strategically designed to showcase the application of the nutrition program, with all meals and snacks being based on and built around our core facets and values. We are committed to arming our clients with the real-life nutritional tools they can rely on for their whole life. This includes learning how to set up for this lifestyle after leaving our facility.
